
Welcoming Sarelle Caicedo!!!

We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to our team at Diversity Recruiters™, Sarelle Caicedo, who will be joining us as the Senior Director of Client Engagement. With her extensive experience and passion for fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace, Sarelle is set to play a pivotal role in driving our mission forward.




Sarelle brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of diversity and inclusion and executive recruiting. Having spent over a decade working with various organizations, she has demonstrated a deep commitment to creating inclusive workplaces and driving positive change.


Sarelle’s understanding of the unique challenges faced by underrepresented communities, combined with her strategic mindset, makes her the ideal candidate to join our team.

As the Senior Director of Client Engagement, Sarelle will play a vital role in strengthening our relationships with existing clients and expanding our reach to new organizations. Her deep understanding of diversity and inclusion, coupled with her exceptional communication skills, will enable her to effectively engage with clients, identify their unique needs, and develop tailored solutions that align with their goals. Sarelle’s focus on fostering inclusive workplaces will empower our clients to build diverse teams, cultivate an inclusive culture, and drive innovation.
At Diversity Recruiters™, we firmly believe that collaboration is key to achieving meaningful change. Sarelle’s collaborative nature and ability to build strong partnerships will be instrumental in forging alliances with new clients, industry leaders, and community organizations. By leveraging these relationships, Sarelle will drive the development of innovative strategies, share best practices, and advocate for diversity and inclusion within the organizations we serve.


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